An alcoholic drink that provides happiness while you stay at home and pet your cat.
Spice Island wines celebrate the intrepid sailors of the Dutch East India Company (VOC), who plied the spice Routes of the Indian Ocean to bring exotic spices and indeed the cuisines of the fabled East to Europe.

Spice Island Chenin Blanc
It's a little-known fact, but a fact all the same, that South African Chenin Blanc wines are among the world's finest. It’s hard not to love Spice Island Chenin Blanc. It is versatile in style and sweetness and has the ability to adapt to a wide variety of tastes.
Pairs with :
Sea Food
Green Salad
3 Liter
Details :
Chenin Blanc - 12.0% vol - Stellenbosch - South Africa

Spice Island Rose
Maybe it doesn’t make sense to like rosé so much, but a good one is really good! This one is light and zippy-so much easier to slurp with lunch on an unbearably hot day. Spice Island Rose with light Salmon color with red fruit flavor of cherry and strawberry that give way to minty freshness.
Pairs with :
Sea Food
Green Salad
3 Liter
Details :
12.0% vol - Stellenbosch - South Africa

Spice Island Pinotage
Spice Island Pinotage is a socialite when given the chance, and its medium to full-bodied nature makes it easy to pair with almost any food you can think of. The Pinotage Association swears by this wine’s adaptability. As long as the food’s good, it says, the wine will work.
Pairs with :
Red Meat
3 Liter
Details :
Pinotage - 14.0% vol - Stellenbosch - South Africa

Spice Island MCC
Champagne is the sparkling bubbly from France and it can only be labelled and called champagne if the grapes are harvested in the Champagne region. Methode Cap Classique (MCC) is the same bottled fermented process that the French use, but it is made in South Africa.
Pairs with :
Sea Food
Green Salad
Details :
12.0% vol - Stellenbosch - South Africa
“… wine is a constant proof that God loves us, and loves to see us happy”